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Sep, 29, 2021
Announcement of Admission list for Feeder System 2021-2022 – Pre-Preliminary-Stage 3(Final Stage)
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Sep, 29, 2021
Updated information 29-9-2021-Fitness centres to be opened
政府將刊憲延續現行大部分社交距離措施的有效期14天,直至10月13日為止。而採用D類運作模式的餐飲業務處所則獲放寬宴會人數上限至240人。 食物及衞生局發言人表示:「變異病毒株傳播力極強,加上本港長者的疫苗接種率偏低,令人擔憂第五波疫情一旦爆發,長者面對重症和死亡情況的風險極高。我們因此有必要維持大部分現行的社交距離措施。」 「另外,在『疫苗氣泡』原則下,考慮到採用D類運作模式的餐飲業務處所已採取嚴謹的防疫措施,包括所有員工已完成接種疫苗,以及至少三分之二的顧客須已接種第一劑疫苗,相關處所的宴會人數上限將獲放寬至240人。」 發言人又提到,復必泰和克爾來福疫苗對於預防2019冠狀病毒病重症和死亡情況高度有效,能為接種人士提供有效保護,免於感染後出現併發重症甚至死亡。政府繼續呼籲仍未接種疫苗的市民,特別是感染新冠病毒後死亡風險極高的長者、長期病患者及其他免疫力較弱人士,應為自己健康着想,在本港第五波疫情來臨前盡早接種疫苗。 有關新增之防疫措施詳情,請瀏覽香港特別行政區政府憲報公告︰
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Sep, 24, 2021
All the enrolled athletes for the 2nd Selection of 2021
To:           All the enrolled athletes (Feeder System, Potential and Elite athletes) for the 2nd Selection of 2021 Name list of the 2nd Selection of 2021 Attached please find the Selection Running Order (Kata and Kumite), the Single-candidate uncontested list, the Summary of Selection Athletes and the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Preventive Measures for your information. Please follow the Selection Running Order as listed and turn up punctually. Selection information:   Date: 28 September 2021 Registration and weigh-in time: 1830-1900 Venue:     Hong Kong Park Sports Centre Activity Room II                   香港公園體育館(活動室 II)                   29 Cotton Tree Drive, Central香港中環紅棉路29號   Selection time: 1930-2300 Venue:     Hong Kong Park Sports Centre Activity Room I & II                   香港公園體育館(活動室 I & II)                   29 Cotton Tree Drive, Central香港中環紅棉路29號 (Please bring the valid membership card for registration.)   Date: 5 October 2021 Registration and weigh-in time: 1830-1900 Venue:     Hong Kong Park Sports Centre Activity Room II                   香港公園體育館(活動室 II)                   29 Cotton Tree Drive, Central香港中環紅棉路29號   Selection time: 1930-2300 Venue:     Hong Kong Park Sports Centre Activity Room I & II                   香港公園體育館(活動室 I & II)                   29 Cotton Tree Drive, Central香港中環紅棉路29號 (Please bring the valid membership card for registration.)   * Help stop the spread of coronavirus by keeping the distance. Remember, don’t shake hands or exchange physical greetings. Wherever possible stay 1.5 metres apart and practice good hand hygiene, especially after being in public places. Protect yourselves and protect others by always keep your hands clean and wear mask properly. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 25048243. Thank you so much.   Summary of Selection Athletes (2nd Selection of 2021) Single Candidate Uncontested List Selection Running Order (Kata and Kumite) Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Preventive Measures
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Sep, 21, 2021
Feeder System Scheme - Pre-Squad Training Programme - suspend
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Sep, 16, 2021
Updated information 15-9-2021-Fitness centres to be opened
政府將刊憲延續現行大部分社交距離措施的有效期14天,直至9月29日為止。另外,政府會就健身中心新增一項「疫苗氣泡」安排,放寬4人以上的訓練小組或課堂參加者之間的距離限制。 食物及衞生局發言人表示:「我們衷心感謝全港市民一直以來配合各項防疫措施,包括遵守佩戴口罩的規定及按規定進行檢測,令香港在全球疫情嚴峻的情況下仍能持續保持本地零確診。然而,變異病毒株傳播力極強,加上本港長者的疫苗接種率偏低,令人擔憂一旦爆發第五波疫情,長者面對重症和死亡情況的風險極高。我們因此有必要維持大部分現行的社交距離措施。」 「復必泰和克爾來福疫苗對於預防2019冠狀病毒病重症和死亡情況高度有效,能為接種人士提供有效保護,免於感染後出現併發重症甚至死亡。我們繼續呼籲仍未接種疫苗的市民,特別是感染新冠病毒後死亡風險極高的長者、長期病患者及其他免疫力較弱人士,應為自己健康着想,在本港第五波疫情來臨前盡早接種疫苗。」 有關新增之防疫措施詳情,請瀏覽香港特別行政區政府憲報公告︰
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Sep, 14, 2021
AKF Referee Course and Examination - Almaty, Kazakhstan 2021
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Sep, 13, 2021
Referee Exam Result 2021
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Sep, 13, 2021
Hong Kong Karatedo Youth Game 2021 - Programme
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Sep, 10, 2021
Draw Result of Hong Kong Karatedo Youth Game 2021
Draw Result (Kata) Draw Result (Kumite)
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