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Sep, 07, 2023
2nd Selection of 2023-24 Referee Application
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Sep, 07, 2023
2nd Selection of 2023-24
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Aug, 25, 2023
Introductory Sports Coaching Course – Commence during November to December 2023 Saturday & Sunday courses (one Cantonese class) is now open for enrolment.
Details Financial Assistance Scheme Form
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Aug, 25, 2023
Introductory Sports Coaching Course – Commence during November to December 2023 Saturday & Sunday courses (one Cantonese class) is now open for enrolment.
Details Financial Assistance Scheme Form
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Aug, 22, 2023
Draw Result of Hong Kong Karatedo Youth Game 2023 (Part 1)
Draw Result (Kata) Draw Result (Kumite)
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Aug, 16, 2023
Name List of Hong Kong Karatedo Youth Game 2023 (Part 1)
2023年全港空手道青少年大賽(第一回合) 參賽名單 本會現將「2023年全港空手道青少年大賽(第一回合)」之參賽名單上載至本會網頁,煩請各道場最高决策人、道場代表、教練及賽員核對有關參賽資料正確無誤。是次參賽名單將於8月18日中午12時正截止更正,並進入抽籤程序,如發現資料有任何錯漏,請於8月18日中午12時正或之前,以電郵形式連同相關証明文件通知本會秘書處,以便立即處理。 本會衷心感謝各道場支持本會舉辦之活動。 Coach List Male Name List Female Name List
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Aug, 15, 2023
AKF Judge B Examination and renewal -West Asia Zone 2023
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Aug, 10, 2023
“Hong Kong Jockey Club Foundation Certificate in Sports Coaching Theory” - October 2023
Hong Kong Jockey Club Foundation Certificate in Sports Coaching Theory – October 2023 is now open for enrolment. Application deadline is 14 September 2023 (Thursday) For enrolment details and course syllabus, please visit HKCC’s website at
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Aug, 09, 2023
Introductory Sports Coaching Course – Commence during September to October 2023 Tuesday & Saturday courses (one Cantonese class) is now open for enrolment
Details Financial Assistance Scheme Form
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