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Dec, 02, 2020
2nd Selection of 2020 Result (Individual Kumite)
2020年度第二次選拔-組手個人項目選拔結果見附件,請所有獲選(包括正選、後補1、2及3)參加「2021 AKF Cadet, Junior, U21 & Senior Championships, Kuwait (March 2021)」之運動員必於2020年12月4日中午12時前以電郵This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.或傳真25775525確認參加比賽與否。 此外,請所有獲選(包括正選、後補1及2)參加「第十屆東亞空手道錦標賽-中國江蘇省無錫市 (2021年4月)」之運動員必於2020年12月4日中午12時前以電郵This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.或傳真25775525確認參加比賽與否。 如有任何查詢,可致電2504 8243與本會秘書處聯絡,多謝 閣下支持本會活動。 Details
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Dec, 01, 2020
Postponed of「2nd Selection of 2020 – Individual Kata Selection」until further notice
因應本港2019冠狀病毒病的疫情發展,政府於十一月三十日公布進一步收緊《預防及控制疾病(規定及指示)(業務及處所)規例》(第599F章)下的社交距離措施,室內體育處所內連教練在內,每一個訓練小組不得超過兩人。政府強烈呼籲所有市民盡量留在家中,避免不必要的外出,停止所有不必要的社交活動。 本會為配合政府防疫措施及避免市民聚集,原定於2020年12月4日(星期五)晚上舉行之「2020年度第二次選拔-型個人項目選拔」將會延期,直至另行通知,敬請注意。 如有疑問,歡迎致電2504 8243與本會職員聯絡。
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Dec, 01, 2020
Feeder System Scheme - Pre-Preliminary Training Programme - Suspend (Renew 1-12-2020)
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Dec, 01, 2020
Updated information 1-12-2020-Fitness centres to be opened
政府會因應疫情的發展,不時檢討相關措施的可行性,適時作出調節。訂立《預防及控制疾病(規定及指示)(業務及處所)規例》(第599F章)[《規例》(第599F章)]和《預防及控制疾病(禁止羣組聚集)規例》(第599G章)[《規例》(第599G章)]有助進一步減少社交接觸。 衞生防護中心提醒市民應減少外出及避免聚餐或聚會等社交活動,並盡量與他人保持適當的社交距離。衞生防護中心強烈呼籲市民,時刻保持個人和環境衞生,對預防個人受感染和防止病毒在社區擴散至為關鍵。個人層面上,市民應在出現呼吸道感染病徵、乘搭交通工具或在人多擠逼的地方逗留時佩戴外科口罩,並必須時刻保持雙手清潔,尤其在觸摸口、鼻或眼之前。 根據第599F章之規定及限制,要求表列處所,包括健身中心及室內體育處所內的人士必須一直佩戴口罩(淋浴及飲用飲品時除外)。連教練在內,每一訓練小組或課堂不得超過兩人,即課堂上只可進行單對單授課。體育處所內的觀眾席必須關閉等。相關措施於2020年12月2日至12月15日期間內生效。煩請各道場代表通知轄下會員有關開放健身中心須符合的規定及限制。 有關詳情,請瀏覽香港特別行政區政府憲報公告︰
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Nov, 30, 2020
Notice-Special Work Arrangements (2020-11-30)
To reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, according to government announcement guidelines, we concern about the safety of our staff, we announce from tomorrow (1 December, 2020) special work arrangements will be implemented as below until further notice: Mondays to Fridays: 11:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. Lunch Hour: 12:45p.m. to 2:00p.m. Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays Thank you for your kind attention.
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Nov, 27, 2020
Updated information 27-11-2020-Fitness centres to be opened
政府會因應疫情的發展,不時檢討相關措施的可行性,適時作出調節。訂立《預防及控制疾病(規定及指示)(業務及處所)規例》(第599F章)[《規例》(第599F章)]和《預防及控制疾病(禁止羣組聚集)規例》(第599G章)[《規例》(第599G章)]有助進一步減少社交接觸。 衞生防護中心提醒市民應減少外出及避免聚餐或聚會等社交活動,並盡量與他人保持適當的社交距離。衞生防護中心強烈呼籲市民,時刻保持個人和環境衞生,對預防個人受感染和防止病毒在社區擴散至為關鍵。個人層面上,市民應在出現呼吸道感染病徵、乘搭交通工具或在人多擠逼的地方逗留時佩戴外科口罩,並必須時刻保持雙手清潔,尤其在觸摸口、鼻或眼之前。 政府已就第599F章下的指示及指明刊憲(詳情見附件),相關措施於2020年11月26日至12月2日期間內生效。煩請各道場代表通知轄下會員有關開放健身中心須符合的規定及限制。 有關詳情,請瀏覽香港特別行政區政府憲報公告︰
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Nov, 27, 2020
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2020
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Nov, 20, 2020
Extension of Expiry Date for the “Coach Accreditation Card” of the Hong Kong Coaching Committee
In response to the development of the COVID-19, the expiry date for the Hong Kong Coaching Committee “Coach Accreditation Card” will be extended to one year to one and a half years if the validity period falls in the year of 2020.   Coaches may visit
 to download the formal certification.
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Nov, 20, 2020
All the enrolled athletes for the 2nd Selection of 2020
To: All the enrolled athletes (Feeder System, Potential and Elite athletes) for the 2nd Selection of 2020 Name list of the 2nd Selection of 2020   Attached please find the Selection Running Order (Kumite and Kata), the Single-candidate uncontested list, the Summary of Selection Athletes and the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Preventive Measures for your information.   Please follow the Selection Running Order as listed and turn up punctually.   Selection information:   Date: 27 November 2020 Registration and weigh-in time: 1900-1930 Venue:     Hong Kong Squash Centre (adjacent to Hong Kong Park Sports Centre)                香港壁球中心(毗鄰香港公園體育館)                23 Cotton Tree Drive, Central香港中環紅棉道23號                Squash Court No. 2壁球室2號   Selection time: 2015-2300 Venue:     Hong Kong Park Sports Centre Activity Room I & II                香港公園體育館(活動室 I & II)                29 Cotton Tree Drive, Central香港中環紅棉路29號 (Please bring the valid membership card for registration.)   Date: 4 December 2020 Registration: 1900-1930 Venue:     Hong Kong Squash Centre (adjacent to Hong Kong Park Sports Centre)                香港壁球中心(毗鄰香港公園體育館)                23 Cotton Tree Drive, Central香港中環紅棉道23號                Squash Court No. 2壁球室2號   Selection time: 2015-2300 Venue:     Hong Kong Park Sports Centre Activity Room I & II                香港公園體育館(活動室 I & II)                29 Cotton Tree Drive, Central香港中環紅棉路29號 (Please bring the valid membership card for registration.)   * Help stop the spread of coronavirus by keeping the distance. Remember, don’t shake hands or exchange physical greetings. Wherever possible stay 1.5 metres apart and practice good hand hygiene, especially after being in public places. Protect yourselves and protect others by always keep your hands clean and wear mask properly.   If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 25048243.   Thank you so much.   The KFHKCL   Selection Running Order (Kumite & Kata) Single Candidate Uncontested List Summary of Selection Athletes (19-11-2020) Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Preventive Measures
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