May, 17, 2022
2022年度第一次選拔-形及組手個人及隊際項目選拔(14-05-2022)選拔結果見附件,請所有獲選(包括當選、後補1,2及3)參加「18th Asia Senior Karate Championship and 20th Asia Cadet, Junior & U21 Karate Championship 2022, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (27-31 July 2022)」及「12th WKF Cadet, Junior and U21 World Championships 2022, Konya, Turkey (26-30 October 2022)」之運動員必需於 2022 年 5 月 23 日中午 12 時前以電郵 Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 或傳真 25775525 確認參加比賽與否。
如有任何查詢,可致電 2504 8243 與本會秘書處聯絡,多謝 閣下支持本會活動。
May, 17, 2022
May, 12, 2022
中國香港空手道總會永遠名譽會長 黃劍虹師範於二零二二年五月六日在香港病逝。黃師範是 香港聯邦空手道會創辦人兼首席師範,也是香港空手道 正空會 永遠榮譽會長。黃師範是香港最早期練習空手道的空手道家,師承剛柔流 原田注師範及後期跟隨 鈴木正文師範,成為剛柔流 正武館香港支部長。其後黃師範到日本深造於和道流空手道 大塚宗師及拜 正空會 宮川正師範門下練習,並把 和道流空手道於70年代初引入香港發揚光大。及後連同其他香港空手道流派成立 香港業餘空手道總會,令空手道在香港的發展更完善。黃劍虹師範一生致力推廣空手道,使人深感敬佩。總會仝人對 黃劍虹師範之逝世深感惋惜和哀悼。
有關 黃師範的喪禮儀式會容後公布。
May, 11, 2022
To:?? All the enrolled athletes (Feeder System, Potential and Elite athletes) for the 1st Selection of 2022
Name list of the 1st Selection of 2022
Attached please find the Selection Running Order (Kata and Kumite), the Single-candidate uncontested list, the Summary of Selection Athletes and the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Preventive Measures for your information.
Please follow the Selection Running Order as listed and turn up punctually.
Selection information:
Date: 14 May 2022
Registration and weigh-in time: 1630-1700
Venue:???? Queen Elizabeth Stadium Function Room II
伊利沙伯體育館(活動室 II)
18 Oi Kwan Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔愛群道 18 號
Selection time: 1700-2200
Venue:???? Queen Elizabeth Stadium Function Room II
伊利沙伯體育館(活動室 II)
18 Oi Kwan Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔愛群道 18 號
(Please bring the valid membership card for registration.)
* Help stop the spread of coronavirus by keeping the distance. Remember, don’t shake hands or exchange physical greetings. Wherever possible stay 1.5 metres apart and practice good hand hygiene, especially after being in public places. Protect yourselves and protect others by always keep your hands clean and wear mask properly.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 25048243.
Thank you so much.
參加選拔運動員名單 (2022年度第一次選拔)
選拔程序表 (形及組手)